Discretionary Management : investment process

Our investment process is based on two interconnected approaches: macroeconomics and investment themes.

We are constantly seeking to benefit from the different phases of the economic cycle by limiting losses during downturns.

The macroeconomic approach is based on the analysis of the behavior of the five main economic agents in permanent interaction (Central Banks, States, Consumers, Companies and the Interbank Market)

The thematic approach allows to identify the major megatrends that are shaping today’s and tomorrow’s world. A more contemporary view of financial markets.

Our CIO/Group Strategist develops investment scenarios that lead to build portfolios under discretionary management.

Thanks to the proximity of the teams and our ability to implement decisions within short deadlines, we adapt our allocations on a daily basis according to the markets to highlight our convictions.

Our team of portfolio managers works in open architecture and is specialized by investment vehicle. Each referent (European Equities, US Equities, UCIs) selects direct securities and UCIs based on the recommendations of our research providers and its own expertise, by integrating the range of Richelieu Gestion UCIs.

An independent team, dedicated to risk control, works closely with the management teams throughout the investment process to ensure the mandate’s compliance with the client’s requirements and expectations.

Please choose your country in order to access the UCIs registered there: