A doubly responsible fund

Richelieu CityZen (*) is a European equity fund whose vocation is to invest in the most virtuous companies according to ESG criteria. This fund aims to reconcile economic performance and positive impact by including sustainable themes and extra-financial criteria.
Managed by Clémence de Rothiacob and David Autin, the Richelieu CityZen fund is based on a doubly responsible approach: in the fund’s investment universe, with six major themes among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) identified by the United Nations for respond to global challenges by 2030 and in the selection of stocks in this universe with companies “best in class” with regard to their ESG practices.

Performance at 23-04-2024

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance

NAV129.78 €
Overall net assets54978935 €
1 year performance+5,05%+13,42%
3 years performance-3,28%+25,02%
5 years performance+19,52%+51,62%
10 years performance-+93,52%
Volatility 1 year
Performance since origin ¹ (see features)
Benchmark ²+58,97%
Annualized performance ¹
1 year performance +5,01%+13,31%
3 years performance -1,10%+7,72%
5 years performance +3,63%+8,67%
Performance since origin +2,34%+7,63%

¹ date of first NAV available

² From November 4, 2019 to November 30, 2021, the benchmark index was the Eurostoxx NR (net dividends reinvested). From December 1, 2021, the benchmark is the Bloomberg Eurozone Developed Markets Large & Mid Cap NR (net dividends reinvested).

The figures quoted relate to past years. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Until December 31, 2012, the indicator was calculated with dividends not reinvested. Since January 1, 2013, the benchmark has been calculated net dividends reinvested. Sources: internal and Europerformance.


David Autin and Clemence de Rothiacob


  • Management commentary
  • Annual report


AMF Classification : Equities from European Union countries (since February 1, 2010).
ISIN Code : FR0013281524
PEA : Oui
SFDR : Article 8
Date of origin* : May 12, 2000
Benchmark :
Bloomberg Eurozone Developed Markets Large & Mid Cap NR Index
Recommended investment period :
> 5 years

Risk and return profile


Low risk
Yield potentially

At high risk,
Yield potentially

The risk indicator assumes that you hold the product for 5 years. The actual risk may vary significantly if you choose to exit before maturity, and you could receive less in return. The synthetic risk indicator allows you to gauge the level of risk of this product compared to others. It indicates the likelihood that this product will incur losses in the event of market movements or our inability to pay you. We have classified this product in risk class 4 out of 7, which is an average risk class. In other words, potential losses associated with the future performance of the product are at an average level, and if the situation were to deteriorate in the markets, it is likely that the compartment’s ability to pay you would be affected. Since this product does not provide protection against market fluctuations, you could lose all or part of your investment.

The significant risks for the UCITS that are not sufficiently taken into account by the indicator are :

Credit risk : It represents, for negotiable bonds or debt securities and money market instruments, the risk of a sudden deterioration in the creditworthiness of an issuer or that of its default.

Liquidity risk : risk related to the share of investments made in financial instruments that may present by nature and/or under certain circumstances a relatively low level of liquidity.

Risk related to financial futures : risk linked to variations in the prices of forward financial instruments and to a downward or upward amplification effect of market movements.

Counterparty risk : risk of non-payment of a flow (or commitment) due by a counterparty with which positions have been exchanged and commitments signed.

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